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January 27, 2010

Prof. Schrader talks about the SmartAssist Project at the 3rd German Congress on Ambient Assisted Living in Berlin.

AAL 2010

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Mobile Media Collection

Physical Mobile Bookmarking

Mobile Media Collection

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schrader

Darren Carlson

Object Tracking, Ubiquitous Computing, RFID, Mobile Services

The Mobile Media Collection is a concept study for a physical bookmarking system in hybrid libraries made in cooperation with Darren Carlsen at the ISNM in 2007. Library patrons can use their smart phone or PDA equipped with RFID or barcode reader. After registration with the patron's identity card, they can browse through the physical library and bookmark interesting items by scanning the respective tag.

The system is based on web services and connects the local library database to build a media collection. Some information is already displayed on the mobile device display. If the device is placed on the Interactive Library Desk, it is recognized (via Bluetooth or WLAN MAC address identification) and the medial collection is projected onto the surface with a respective set of service offers. Books might offer the possibility to browse the Internet for information about the author. Photo books might offer the chance to browse through online databases to find other pictures from the same photographer or artist. For DVDs, the user can browse online movie databases. If the PDA is removed from the table, all information is removed to protect privacy. The user can then move on to the AV-Preview station and put the mobile device on the reader station. The respective movie will start to play on a convenient plasma display.

Mobile Media Collection Mobile Media Collection Mobile Media Collection