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January 27, 2010

Prof. Schrader talks about the SmartAssist Project at the 3rd German Congress on Ambient Assisted Living in Berlin.

AAL 2010

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Interactive Spaces

Ambient Museum Furnitures of the Future

Interactive Spaces

Prof. Dr. Joachim Hasebrook

Michal Janiszewski

Tabletop Interfaces, HCI, Museum Technology

'Interactive Spaces' is a concept for museums to face the requirements of the 21st Century and was developed in cooperation with the Willy-Brandt Museum in Luebeck. Technology offers new possibilities of exhibiting, transferring knowledge and attracting visitors by a promise of an “experience”. Users’ senses should be stimulated by presenting content in an interesting way, using rich media. Such “experience” can be delivered by an ambient furniture, displaying museums’ content, giving the possibility to navigate through it, discover relationships between exhibits and interact with other visitors.

The result of the project is an interacive table capable of delivering text, images, audio, video and animations exclusively to ten users gathered around it. Visitors, using their bare hands, browse throught visual representations of topics, play with elements displayed on the tabletop, view content and have additional functions like digital guestbook or online souvenirs. Due to a bottom projection method, the whole system remains as a one piece of furniture and requires no external devices. Except for a touch interface, the focus of the concept was: object-oriented content management system, feasible system maintenance and connectivity with other IT devices present in culcural institutions.

More information can be found at: