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UNICEF Donation Counter

Donation Counter for the UNICEF Fund Raise for Children in Lübeck

UNICEF Donation Counter
Karstadt Lübeck
UNICEF coordination office Lübeck
Project Team:
Wendy Ann Mansilla, Luis Bustamante
June 2007
Interactive Design, Processing/Java, Data Visualisation

Since 2007, the hanseatic city of Lübeck is city partner of UNICEF. In order to visualise the current state of fund raising, an interactive multimedia donation counter has been developed by students of the ISNM in cooperation with the local UNICEF coordination office in Lübeck. On June 2nd 2007 the public display of the counter has been officially started by Lübeck's mayor Bernd Saxe in a warehouse display of Karstadt in the old town of Lübeck.

Unicef Donation Counter Unicef Donation Counter Unicef Donation Counter

Basic idea: somewhere in Africa two childs are standing next to a dry fountain in the desert. Deep in the ground there is water enough, but it can't get transported to the ground easily. This scene refers to the two projects Schulen für Afrika (Schools for Africa) and Wasser für den Sudan (Water for Sudan), which are supported by Lübeck during the partnerships. The donation counter visualises both the problem and the solution: the donations are shown in a counter but also in a growing water level. Slowly, the desert turns into a green oasis. Used water is animated as bubbles in the animation. A lot of money has been raised meanwhile (339,641 Euro on Feb 19th 2009). The interface was realized as a Processing interface by Wendy Ann Mansilla and Luis Bustamante.

See the interface here.

More information: Digital Press Archiv City of Lübeck (June 8th, 2007).