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Gerold Muhr

Gerold Muhr (Austria)

Position Project Manager Education
Field eLearning, organizational and financial development of educational organisations
Education He studied philosophy and literature science in Graz
Bio Gerold Muhr was born in Bruck/Mur, Austria, in 1967.

After Austrian Matura, he studied Philosophy and Literature Science with focus area: Science Theorie. Analytical Philosophy und Cognition Theory

1992-99 Development and installation of interdisciplinary projects in the intersection of neuro science, digital media and art

1997 & 1999 Twice winner of the European Media Price 'Strömung' of the EU Cultural Commision

1996-99 Board Member and Lecturer for New Media and Theory at Kunsthaus FORUM STADTPARK Graz;

1999-2000 Project Manager at the INM Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt/Main, in a project about learning computer programs

2000-2001 Department Head at Knowbotic Systems GmbH, a company of the Frankfurt School of Finance, for the Application of learning computer programs for Banking

2001-2005 Senior Consultant at Theuer & Partner Management Consultants AG, Frankfurt/Main, with focus areas Business Strategy, Strategic Personal Development and E-Learning

2005-2008 Program Manager of the e.culture project at the International School of New Media - a program with a budget of more than 820 T€ for Education and E-Learning for the creative domain

since 2009 Strategic Consultant in the Education Domain with focus on Academic Financing, Accreditation, Strategic Academic Planning and E-Learning

since May 2009 Project Leader 'German Brand Academy Shanghai' at the ISNM in cooperation with the Design Factory in Hamburg.