Smart Library Table

1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schrader

2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Fischer

The pervasive computing field is developing fast in the last few years. The applications can be found in everyday situation. Libraries which contain great moment of information and are regarded as source of knowledge are affected by the trend. Since traditional libraries are threatened by the digitalization trend, looking for a new way to survive is necessary. New strategies and new services have to be developed and deployed. Blending pervasive computing concept into library service is an approach. In the library environment, tables are the basic and most common used components. Building a strong-function and friendly interface library table can make the reading and research experience in the library becoming nice and efficient. An interactive library table of pervasive computing concept could offer a complete new library interface based on the metaphor of desk-top system. In this thesis, the service that smart library table supplies will be investigated. The overview of current state-of-art in tangible user interface of table, ubiquitous computing, and pervasive computing in library application will be mentioned. The type of libraries, investigation of library services needs and pervasive computing usage will be discussed afterwards. Then a proposal of smart library table will be provided. The hardware and software structure of the table will be described. The evaluation will be presented in the end.