Internet Radio, a new Challenge for Discovering Cultural Heritage of Europe (Case Study: Heritage Radio Network)

1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrader (ISNM)

2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hubertus von Amelunxen (ISNM)

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the potentiality of a new multimedia called Internet Radio. As case study shall be taken the HERMES project with the aim ‘to promote and to protect cultural heritage through use of new multi media’1. By having set up an Internet Radio, and contents coming from editors and journalists of the different radio stations in this new network, attention is drawn to the diverse cultural heritages, activities and events in Europe. From an evaluative viewpoint the HERMES project examines as well how cultural heritage can be considered as factor of regional development, while in terms of the European dimension the question exists whether the assumption holds true that cultural heritages in Europe are the sources for one common cultural identity linked with European citizenship. Since an Internet Radio aims to make this become conscious to everyone, that then can be considered as the beginning of a new media policy within digital culture. According to Pierre Deason, the first coordinator of Heritage Radio Network, the editorial policy can be viewed as an attempt to open windows so that people can look across borders to see what other cultural heritages exist on the other side. Of interest will be, therefore, whether use of such digital media can give access to cultural heritages in Europe.