Tangible Navigation in Virtual Architecture Models: Potential of Tangible objects in Virtual Reality interfaces.

1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrader (ISNM)

2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Jung (TU Freiberg)

In this thesis, the possibility for enhanced navigation in architectural spaces using tangible Interfaces in virtual reality systems is analyzed. The thesis focus is centered in navigation tasks for architecture virtual environments, analyzing its two components; travel and wayfinding. Architecture design and development is highly dependant on visualizations methods. Perspectives, drawings, sketches, CAD drawings and recently 3D models, virtual environments and multimedia technologies comprise the tools which architects have available to express and visualize their work. As technology and digital media continue to advance, Architecture need to get involved to take advantage of these emergent technologies. In this way, integration in the development of technology that fit architectural requirements can be achieved. Fields like mixed reality, virtual reality, human computer interaction, interactive interfaces and display technologies have a huge potential in the architecture realm, and can greatly contribute to the vital task of concept communication. Tangible interfaces offer powerful new means for interacting with Combined physical and virtual information spaces. As mentioned by Ishiii and Ullmer (Ishii and Ullmer, 1997) tangible objects “Allow the user to grasp and manipulate” the Interface “Bridging the gaps between both cyberspace and the physical environment.” This possibility of grasp and manipulation should is explored as a mean for enhancing the navigation interaction in virtual environments.